UP-PART is a footwear concept addressing ecological concerns over the mass production of sneakers.
With the current sneaker trend, ever more low quality, cheap shoes are sold. Weak points in their designs lead to a lifespan that hardly exceeds a year when worn on a regular basis.
UP-PART shoes provide sole and upper separately. Either can be replaced when damaged, hence limiting waste.
Since every part are detachable by the user, they are also easier to recycle.
UP-PART is a footwear concept addressing ecological concerns over the mass production of sneakers.
With the current sneaker trend, ever more low quality, cheap shoes are sold. Weak points in their designs lead to a lifespan that hardly exceeds a year when worn on a regular basis.
UP-PART shoes provide sole and upper separately. Either can be replaced when damaged, hence limiting waste.
Since every part are detachable by the user, they are also easier to recycle.
UP-PART is a footwear concept addressing ecological concerns over the mass production of sneakers.
With the current sneaker trend, ever more low quality, cheap shoes are sold. Weak points in their designs lead to a lifespan that hardly exceeds a year when worn on a regular basis.
UP-PART shoes provide sole and upper separately. Either can be replaced when damaged, hence limiting waste.
Since every part are detachable by the user, they are also easier to recycle.

Pebble is a light & compact stove for camping use.
When trekking for several days, hikers carry all the necessary in one backpack. It means every item should be the lightest and smallest possible.

Existing stoves are heavy (between 150g and 1,5kg) and requires large space in the bag.
Inspired by a DIY stove made out of a 10g drink can, I challenged myself to design it for production.

Pebble would be about 30 grams and all its components are nest-able within a cooking pot.

The stove is first placed into the nest and filled with liquid alcohol. When set on fire, the alcohol steam will spread in the compression chamber and burn through the holes.

The stove can either be used with a pan on top to cook meals, or with the grill to roast ingredients.

The nest protects the stove from wind, stabilise it on the ground and secures the user.

Four indents allow to rest the grill on the nest and let oxygen to pass through.

3D printing, metal sheet & wire models: testing different nest for the stove.